CBD is a cannabinoid compound derived from industrial hemp plants, which are members of the Cannabis family. There are over 120 known bioactive cannabinoid molecules; the two most prevalent being tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Although they share some similar attributes, CBD doesn’t produce psychoactive effects. One way we like to distinguish between the two is that THC will get you high, while CBD will help you live your best life.

How Does CBD Work?
Your endocannabinoid system (ECS) consists of two receptors for cannabinoid compounds: CB1 and CB2. These receptors are distributed throughout your brain and body, and they assist in regulating some of the most important functions that help you survive and thrive, such as promoting quality sleep, ensuring that your immune system produces a robust response when you need it, and reducing pain and inflammation. CBD stimulates receptors within the ECS to generate analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-anxiety effects, all—as noted above—without producing psychoactive effects.
Endocannabinoid System

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The Endocannabinoid System –What is It and Who Has One?
The discovery of the first cannabinoid molecule, CBD, occurred in 1940 in a species of wild Minnesota hemp. However, it wasn’t until three decades later, in 1971, when the THC molecule was fully elucidated that scientists actively set out to locate a corresponding receptor system for this family of molecules in animals. What they found was an intricate system of activator and receptor molecules distributed throughout the brains and bodies of all vertebrates that we now know as the endocannabinoid system (ECS).

There are two main categories of cannabinoids, the activator molecules distinguished by their prefixes: endo means “within” and refers to cannabinoids that your body produces, while the prefix phyto means “plant” to signify those cannabinoids that are derived from plants. The two most prevalent phytocannabinoids are THC, which is responsible for the majority of the psychoactive effects of cannabis, and CBD, the one responsible for the growing industry and consumer “buzz” for its vast array of health benefits that help you to live your best life. Phytocannabinoids and endocannabinoids are often referred to collectively as cannabinoids, and you will see this shortened term used commonly outside of the scientific literature.

Modern Restoratives

The ECS is comprised of three main components:

  • Cannabinoid receptors- protein molecules that sit on the surface of cells and transmit external stimuli into the cell.
  • Endocannabinoids- small signaling molecules your body produces that activate cannabinoid receptors.
  • Metabolic enzymes- break down endocannabinoids and phytocannabinoids after they have been in use for a while in order to prevent over-stimulation of receptors.

    Cannabinoid receptors are located throughout the body. The two receptors that have been the most extensively studied are CB1, which acts as a receptor to THC; and CB2, which serves as a receptor for CBD. Interestingly, although both receptors exist to varying degrees throughout the body, CB1 receptors are located primarily in the brain, and CB2 receptors exist most abundantly outside of the nervous system.

    All of this is great news for anyone considering using Modern Restoratives products. Science is on the brink of exciting medical breakthroughs for CBD, with considerable progress happening every day as research into the ECS gains momentum. Pre-clinical research has already shown CBD to be effective for a great number of conditions, including anxiety and depression, sleep disorders, hypertension, pain relief, cancer, acne, substance abuse, and diabetes prevention, all as a result of interaction with the ECS.

    Looking for a deeper dive into the how the ECS works? We recommend checking out the Project CBD site.

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